Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Increase Your Sales By Accepting Small Business Credit Cards

It is really very convenient to receive the payment by means of credit cards. Small business enterprises are not aloof from it and they are also receiving payments by means of credit cards these days. The trend is following an uphill as the number of small business enterprises in any country that is accepting the credit card payment is continuously going up.

It's a given that running an online business means that you need to accept credit cards. If you don't then you are losing as much as 70% of your sales to competitors who do accept Business credit cards according to an article published by Forbes Magazine. But it's not just online businesses that suffer lost sales by not accepting credit cards. That same 70% figure, and higher in some cases, is applicable for off-line businesses as well

Many business owners report a sharp increase in profit when they begin accepting credit cards as a means of payment.Online businesses greatly benefit from accepting credit cards, as payment can be made immediately over the Internet and your business can quickly ship their purchase without having to wait for a check to arrive by mail, and then waiting for the check to clear the bank before sending orders out to customers.

For accepting the credit cards, the small business entrepreneur has to open a merchant account. These accounts are meant specially for receiving payments through the credit cards. There are many financial institutions in the market that are opening merchant accounts at affordable rates. After opening a merchant account, the small business owner can easily receive all the payments through the credit cards. As is known to many of us that the some of the small business activities are also carried from home, it becomes very essential to adopt the mode of payment that is easy. The credit card is the perfect solution to the above problem.

There was a time in the not so distant past that it was very difficult to be approved for merchant accounts. In previous years, a business would need a high volume of credit card usage in order to make the fees for having the ability to accept electronic payments affordable. Currently, it is very inexpensive to set up merchant accounts whether you are a large business with a physical location, or a small business operating only online thanks to the increase in merchant account providers available to businesses.

The biggest advantage is that as soon as the payment is made, the merchant account of the small business entrepreneur is credited as soon possible. So, there is no lapse of time in receiving the payments and the amount received can easily be utilized for other productive acts.

SO Small business Must accept credit cards.

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