Monday, November 05, 2007

How To Boost Your Credit Score

Years ago your credit score was a large secret, known only to a choice few such as as your mortgage and credit card companies. In 2000, Fair, Isaac Co., the major provider of credit scoring software, announced they would get sharing credit scores, also known as FICO scores, with consumers.

What is a credit score? A credit score is a tool used by credit grantors to determine your ability to refund your debts. The information in your credit report is compared and evaluated against 10s of billions of other consumer credit reports which gives you a credit score or number ranging from 350 (highest credit risk) up to 800 (lowest credit risk). A higher score intends you are less likely to do late payments or default on the credit extended to you. Your credit score will change as the information in your credit report changes over time.

Following is a short overview of the five major classes of credit information that are used in determining your credit score and guidelines for scoring higher.

PAYMENT HISTORY (35 percent)

Paying your current measures on clip is the single most of import factor in obtaining a high credit score. This class includes credit cards like Visa and MasterCard, retail accounts, installment loans such as as those for a car or education, loans from finance companies, and home mortgages. Also included in this class are matters of public record such as as bankruptcies, liens, wage garnishments, and aggregation accounts. The cardinal to a higher score: Wage your measures on time!

HOW much DEBT YOU CARRY (30 percent)

This class sees the amount of debt you owe on your assorted credit accounts. If you’ve “maxed out” your available credit, this could bespeak that you are overextended financially and won’t be able to do your payments on clip or refund your debts completely. This class also analyzes how many of your accounts carry balances and how much money you’ve already repaid. Shutting accounts with a nothing balance makes not generally better your score in this area. The cardinal to a higher score: Keep your credit card balances low.


The longer you’ve had credit accounts the higher you will score in this area. The age of your oldest account and the average age of all your accounts are used in determining your score. Old accounts that have got gone fresh are also considered. The cardinal to a higher score: Establish good credit and maintain accounts active.


Opening multiple credit accounts within a short clip period of time stands for a greater hazard of becoming overextended. Each clip you apply for credit an enquiry is made into your credit history and these enquiries demo up in your credit report. A high number of credit enquiries will lower your score.

Some enquiries are not considered in your score. These include: petitions by you for your credit report, enquiries from companies for pre-approved offers or companies that already make business with you, along with enquiries from possible employers. Some petitions for credit are treated as a single enquiry especially when you are shopping for the best loan rate. The cardinal to a higher score: Only apply for and unfastened new credit accounts when you need them.

YOUR CREDIT mix (10 percent)

This class analyzes the types of credit accounts you have got and how many of each. Can a individual have got too many accounts? Yes and no. It really depends on whether you have got an constituted credit history or no credit history at all. The cardinal to a higher score: Open credit accounts only if you mean to utilize them.

Don’t desperation if you have got a low score or are just beginning to set up credit. Your credit score will change for better or worse depending on how well you understand and usage these five keys to your advantage in planning your financial future.


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